Psoriasis Treatment with Dermalux Tri-wave MD
Psoriasis emerges when there's an accelerated turnover of skin cells, leading to their rapid replacement.
Normally, your body makes new skin cells in the deep layer of your skin. These cells move up through the skin layers and then fall off the outer layer after about 3 to 4 weeks. However , individuals with psoriasis experience a remarkably faster cycle, taking just 3 to 7 days. Consequently, immature cells accumulate swiftly on the skin's surface, resulting in the formation of scaly, flaky, and crusty patches.
What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin condition characterized by red, itchy, and scaly patches. The immune system mistakenly attacks healthy skin cells, leading to accelerated skin cell turnover.
Causes of Psoriasis:
1. Genetic Predisposition: Psoriasis tends to be hereditary, increasing your risk if a family member has it. Yet, how genetics influences psoriasis remains uncertain. Many genes seem tied to its development, possibly in unique combinations, raising susceptibility. But having these genes doesn't guarantee you'll have psoriasis.
2. Immune System: Your immune system protects your body from illnesses and infections. It uses special cells like T-cells to identify and combat harmful germs. However, in psoriasis, T-cells mistakenly target healthy skin cells. This error speeds up the production of new skin cells in the deepest skin layer, which then prompts the immune system to make more T-cells.
3. Environmental Triggers: Psoriasis can be prompted by various everyday factors, leading to its initial appearance. These common triggers include stress, skin injuries like cuts or severe sunburn, infections such as strep throat, certain medicines, as well as weather conditions, especially cold and dry weather. Additionally, factors like smoking and heavy alcohol consumption can also contribute. It's worth noting that these triggers can also exacerbate existing psoriasis.
Dermalux Tri-Wave MD and Near-Infrared Light Therapy:
The Dermalux Tri-Wave MD is a medical-grade device that utilizes near-infrared light therapy, which penetrates deeper into the skin to target the dermis layer where psoriasis originates.
How Dermalux Tri-Wave MD Works:
1. Deep Penetration: Near-infrared light has longer wavelengths that penetrate deeper into the skin, reaching the dermis and even subcutaneous layers.
By penetrating deeper, NIR light can target the root causes of psoriasis, such as inflammation and abnormal cell growth, more effectively than other types of light.
2. Anti-Inflammatory Effects: One of the primary symptoms of psoriasis is inflammation. NIR light inhibits the activity of certain inflammatory markers and cytokines, reducing inflammation at the cellular level.
Studies have shown that NIR light can significantly reduce inflammatory responses, making it effective for treating chronic inflammatory conditions like psoriasis.
3. Cellular Repair and Regeneration: Psoriasis involves rapid and abnormal skin cell turnover.
NIR light stimulates cellular repair mechanisms like increased ATP production, which helps in faster healing and normalization of skin cell growth.
Research indicates that light therapy can accelerate tissue repair and may normalize the accelerated skin cell growth seen in psoriasis.
4. Increased Blood Flow: Improved circulation can aid in the healing process.
NIR light helps dilate blood vessels, improving blood flow to the affected areas. This helps in nutrient delivery and waste removal.
Enhanced blood flow is known to aid in tissue repair and regeneration, supporting its use in treating psoriasis.
Benefits of Dermalux Tri-Wave MD:
1. Non-Invasive: Suitable for those avoiding medications or injections.
2. No side effect : Dermalux is a very gentle non-invasive treatment with no irritation, side effects or down time and there have been no reported side effects in over 1700 clinical studies.
3. Convenience: Quick sessions with no downtime.
4. Complementary Treatment: Can be used alongside other treatments for a comprehensive approach.

Course Recommendations
Generally, it is advisable to undergo 6 to 12 Tri-Wave MD treatments for all indications, scheduling 2 sessions per week. At the end of the course, the progress will be assessed, and additional treatments may be suggested if needed.
Using the Dermalux Tri-Wave MD, the treatment results are cumulative, making it beneficial to have sessions in close succession. The number of treatments required for optimal results may vary depending on factors such as age, skin type, severity of the indication, lifestyle, and other procedures that may be part of the overall treatment plan to achieve the best outcome. These factors will be discussed during the consultation.
Treatment Frequency:
For inflammatory conditions like acne, redness, and sensitive skin, it is generally advised to have a 24-hour gap between treatments. Therefore, sessions can be scheduled with a day in between. However, for general skin rejuvenation, treatments can be taken on a daily basis without the need for a 24-hour gap between sessions.
Course Frequency:
The effects of Dermalux treatments, resulting from cell activation, can be long-lasting, lasting for several weeks after completing the treatment course. However, to prolong these results and as part of an ongoing skin health program, it is recommended to undergo regular maintenance treatments.
Tri-Wave MD Dermalux LED
Price from £50
Package of 6: £275
Package of 12: £500
Dermalux Post Treatment Recovery
10 Minutes Add on: £20
20 Minutes Add on: £30
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