If there is ever a time when a woman needs and craves massage the most, it is during pregnancy. This is a time of major physical change, with many unwanted aches and pains. Prenatal massage is customised to the specific needs of pregnant women and their ever-changing bodies.

What is a Pregnancy Massage?

If there is ever a time when a woman needs and craves massage the most, it is during pregnancy. This is a time of major physical change, usually accompanied by a myriad of unwanted aches and pains.

Prenatal massage is similar to regular massage, in that it aims to relax tense muscles, ease sore spots, improve circulation and make you feel good. However, prenatal massage is also customised to the specific needs of pregnant women and their ever-changing bodies.

Carrying a baby changes your centre of gravity and puts a lot of stress on your back, neck, abdominal muscles, and shoulders. Pregnancy also relaxes your ligaments, making your pelvic joints less stable and changing your posture. Add to all of this, the extra weight you're carrying and you have the perfect recipe for an aching lower back.

Is prenatal massage safe throughout the entire pregnancy?

In the UK most massage therapists will refuse to offer massage to a woman who is still in her first trimester because of the increased risk of miscarriage associated with massage in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

How is prenatal massage different from regular massage?

After the first trimester massage is no longer performed in the prone or face down position, to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on the abdomen and stress on the uterine ligaments.

A large part of the massage will take place in the side-lying-position propped up with many soft pillows for maximum safety and comfort. Also, during pregnancy and depending upon what week you are in, we will work with you lying on your back or in a semi-reclined position.  This is to avoid compression of the vena cava, which can cause low maternal blood pressure and decreased circulation to mother and baby.

There are also a few pressure points we will avoid applying deep or pointed pressure to, as they often promote uterine contraction. The abdomen, however, can be massaged in a gentle manner which can be of great benefit to mother and baby.

What about post-partum?

Whilst massage might feel like an indulgence in those first few months – try to continue massage treatments once your baby comes along.  Postnatal massage can help restore your body to its pre-pregnancy condition, relieve muscle tension and the general stresses of mothering duties.

Plus (most importantly!) – it makes a lovely treat in those tiring first months!

What are the benefits of massage during pregnancy?

Improves your mood and lowers stress levels

Can reduce prenatal depression and anxiety

Leads to muscle relaxation and relief of joint pain. Pregnancy massage can be particularly helpful for women who experience sciatic nerve pain.

Can reduce swelling in the legs – which is often a bug-bear of so many pregnant women.

Can improve sleep quality

What are the contraindications to Pregnancy Massage?

It is very important for pregnant women to discuss any major health concerns ahead of having a massage.  If you are in any way unsure, it is worth discussing the treatment with your obstetrician or GP ahead of it taking place.

If you have a pregnancy deemed ‘high risk’ by your medical team.

If you have pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH)

If you have Preeclampsia

If you have previously had a pre-term labour

If you are experiencing severe swelling, high blood pressure, or sudden severe headaches

If you recently gave birth


Book your pregnancy massage appointment

Massage Fee: £70ph.  Please contact us by phone or email to arrange a appointment.

Cancellation Policy

I respect that your time is very valuable and I appreciate that you understand mine is valuable too.|
If you cancelled or rescheduled an appointment at short notice I wouldn't be able to book another client.

If you think that you are going to be unable to attend your appointment, I would appreciate if you can give me as much notice as possible. I’ll be pleased to cancel and reschedule your appointment at any time, without any penalty up to 24 hours before your booking.

Any cancellation less than 24 hours, the full price will be charged. All deposits are non-refundable.


Book your pregnancy massage appointment

Due to limited clinic availability we are not currently taking online bookings for clinic appointments - please contact us by phone or email to arrange a clinic appointment.

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